Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shopping for: Office gear

Now that I have a new job, I have a new desk space to call my own. Nothing brightens up a dreary cubicle like having some personal items to help you really settle in, right?

I definitely could use something like this - use your phone with only one hand instead of having to hold it in the other. 

This amazing little thing is a USB powered oil diffuser. Use your own essential oils or a blend of your own choice in order to clear away the smell from your neighbor's lunch, or just to create a relaxing space in the midst of a hectic day. Want! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Making cocktails: The Shandy

I made this Shandy for queenofthequarterlifecrisis.com and never got around to posting it here!

Fitness gear review: Lorna Jane

I recently got treated to some new gear by Lorna Jane, an Australian based fitness and lifestyle brand. They've been producing women's activewear for 20+ years, but only recently became available in the US. I decided I needed to try their stuff out after I saw a student wearing a pair of super cute leggings from the brand.

Their clothes have these cute little tags on them:

Here's the strappy tank top (with a polka dot sports bra underneath) after teaching a double last week:

(Can't find it on the LJ website!)
The tank top is made of a super light material. I cut out and threw away the tags already otherwise I'd tell you what they're made of. I know you can't tell from the pictures, but it has really beautifully done mesh inserts. It wicks sweat well and felt great on. It was the perfect fit - not too tight, not too loose, and it moved comfortably with me through my full range of motion.

Here are my new super fun neon! printed leggings:

Lorna Jane Dimension 7/8 tight

The leggings are a sturdier, thicker material than the top, but they still wicked sweat really well. The neon is super vibrant and the pattern is great. They were not see through at all, even in deep squats and full forward bends. They didn't sag or stretch out at all.

Here's the whole ensemble:

Don't mind the funny face.

After more than three hours in the hot room in this outfit, they were still mostly dry to the touch. Both the top and the leggings washed really well (with no fabric softener, and air dried, of course) and they seem like they will be durable, but only time will tell. Overall, I love the clothes, and I'll definitely consider more from Lorna Jane in the future.

I was told in the store that the material will stretch up to15%, which is so practical for the full extension and stretching of a good yoga class. It's also good if you're between sizes. I found them true to size and completely comfortable to wear. The brand offers new styles on a monthly basis, which means they also always have stuff on sale. Their mission statement is "to inspire women to live their best life through Active Living" which is something I can definitely get behind.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy weekend

Here's some interesting reads I found this week:


Everyone's going on and on in the internet yoga community about this article. The assigning editor wrote her response. Another writer from the same site gave her opinion. Personally, I liked this smart response. And now I'm officially over it, which brings me to...


...this interesting piece on feminism's toxic Twitter wars. Luckily I mostly read, and not post on twitter about my opinion, but I could see how difficult it could be if you are heavily invested in the medium and receive a lot of backlash. 


Are you a property owner in the LA area with fruit trees overburdened with their production? Sign up here to donate your excess to a good cause. If you don't have that particular blessing of too much fruit, but are still looking to give in another way, you can register here for various events to help collect and harvest fresh food. Food Forward is an amazing organization that rescues fresh, local produce that would otherwise go to waste, connecting this abundance with people in need. I plan on joining in myself.

The benefits of Food Stamps (definitely worth the click through)...

Which will be cut by $8 billion over 10 years by the recently passed farm bill.


The Napoleon complex, explained. As a short person, this might explain a lot. 

This physical art is so beautiful.