Monday, January 6, 2014

Live happy.

I'm a big fan of books and read voraciously. I have been doing the e-book thing since it's much easier than making the trudge all the way to the library (I know, #firstworldproblem) but nothing compares to the smell of an antique, the feeling of cracking open a new hardcover, or flipping quickly through all the pages of a softcover. I'll be moving into a new apartment soon, and I'm excited to style my bookshelves.

I love the idea of floating shelves over a desk. The storage possibilities are endless, and you can put whatever art you'd like on top and within the shelves. Love this crisp, modern, white style.

Here's another white bookshelf, but with a fabulous green background. A perfect blend of books, framed artwork, and knick-knacks. Just important to keep the number of books low - which is another plus for the e-book thing. Reminder to self. 

If I ever get to buy a big old house of my own, I'll remodel a whole huge space with DIY built-ins like this. The focus in a library like this is truly on the books and the space and the shelf styling won't be so important. Then I can buy as many books as I want. Sigh, one day! 

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