Monday, January 13, 2014

Eat Happy Mondays - make salads.

Rather than focusing my energy on diets and restricting calories, I try to focus instead on the things I want to eat more of each day, like fresh green salads, lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetarian sources of protein, and healthy fats. My father always made a fresh vinaigrette dressing each time he would make a chopped salad, and I'm so grateful that I got to learn from him. It's an easy way to add some more delicious to your everyday. 

A vinaigrette is basically just an emulsion of of vinegar and oil. The golden ratio is about 1 part vinegar to 2 or 3 parts oil - but always adjusting to taste. Mix it up in a small bowl (best if it has steep sides) using a fork or a small whisk. The taste is going to depend So MUCH on what type of vinegar, and what type of oil you're using. Stay tuned for future posts on vinegars and oils, and how to know what to buy.

I like to start with my vinegar element - whether it's a balsamic, an apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice. Gently drizzle in your olive oil, whisking all the while, until your dressing starts to come together. And don't be afraid to adjust your dressing to suit your taste. So, as your mixing the dressing, taste it by dipping in a piece of lettuce so you'll see how well your flavors blend. No licking the fork!

If you're using a vinegar that's sweet enough, you won't need to add any sweetener. If you're using lemon juice or something else that's a bit tart, you might want to add a bit of honey to sweeten it up. Keep adjusting until you find the blend you like. 

You'll notice that you might want a slightly sweeter dressing if you're using a peppery green like arugula, cress, or mizuna, or maybe something with a bright, citrusy taste if you're using a more bitter green like frisee, raddichio, or kale. Mix it up and try different combinations to find what you like best. (Not sure about different types of greens? This is a great infographic that will help sort things out).  

My favorite part of making fresh dressing when you make a salad is that you can so easily customize it depending on your mood and what ingredients you have on hand. Use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar. Add crushed fresh garlic or chopped fresh herbs. Try a tahini or miso-based dressing for a totally different flavor and texture. Whisk in some grainy mustard to help thicken it up and add another dimension of flavor. It's a great way to change it up on a regular basis, even if you're eating from the same salad greens, day after day. 

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