Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy Friday

I didn't make it to the farmers market this Thursday, so I'll have to hit it today or tomorrow instead. The last time I went, there was so much local citrus fruit that I was really overwhelmed and I didn't end up getting any. I think this week I'll have to go in with a plan. 

I was so ecstatic when a student brought in some lemons for me fresh picked from her backyard tree on Tuesday, and I've been dreaming about a citrus tree of my own. 

Fresh from a student's tree! It smelled like heaven.

For now, I'll focus on trying to buy what's in season - and lucky for me, the main winter crop in California is citrus. Mandarin oranges are the ones that are seedless, sweet, and easy to peel. Tangerines are probably the only type of Mandarin I'm used to getting in New York, that have a thicker skin and a slightly darker orange color than other Mandarins. There's a huge variety in types, and I've been getting the Minneola Tangelos on the regular, which vary in size and sweetness but have a steady, bright orange color.  

I've also tried the Cara Cara Pink Navel Orange, which is sweet and not acidic. It has a beautiful pink flesh. It's almost like a blood orange, without as much of the tartness in that signature tart/sweet blend. 

I've even recently seen little kumquat trees in pots for sale. I thought long and hard about it before I decided I had to wait. Eventually I'll have my own space with my own yard (hopefully) and I'll be able to buy as many little fruit trees as I want. Patience! For now, my plan is to buy as many of the weird varieties that I've never seen before. I'm going to stay away from the familiar and go for the local varieties. Why not, right?

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